
Finally, Some Good News About Back Pain!

Back pain is a huge problem in developed nations worldwide. It has or will affect most of us. The current estimate is that 80% of people will experience back pain at least once. It is the single biggest cause for disability, the third most common reason for doctor visits, and one of the most common […]

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Celebrating Our Centennial in 2021

By: Vicki VerMeer, MSPT and Owner In 2021 the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is celebrating 100 years as a member association, raising awareness about our great profession. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” That statement is a reminder to us all that life will have its […]

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Should I See a Certified Hand Therapist?

By: Jenifer Walker, PT, DPT, CHT Since the title of our next blog is in the form of the question. The answer is, if you are currently experiencing any pain, swelling, or functional limitations with one or both of your hands, then the answer is an emphatic YES! Most people these days know that when […]

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When the Weather Gets Cold, Don’t Forget to Warm Up!

Colder weather means some changes to how we exercise. Of course, it’s harder to motivate yourself to get outside for a run or bike ride when the temperature drops and the shorter days compress our schedules, but there are changes in your body that affect your ability to exercise too. For many people with arthritis […]

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What on Earth is Cupping?

by: Crystal Bondurant-Salisbury, LPTA  Some of my favorite tools in my “toolbox” as a clinician are cups. They can be plastic, silicone, or glass cups that use negative pressure or vacuum pressure to provide therapeutic benefit. Their versatility allows me to treat conditions ranging from simple to complex, from more recent injuries to chronic conditions. Although […]

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Is Your Home Increasing Your Risk of Having a Fall?

By: Kara Everett, PT, DPT, CSCS, CKTP LSVT BIG Certified Operations Director, Hartfield Location The likelihood of falling increases as we age. Each year, 30-40% of people aged 65 years and older fall and roughly half of all falls result in an injury. Falls are a major threat to older adults’ quality of life and […]

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Constipation Blues: Abdominal Massage for Constipation

by: Kennan Wyne, PT, DPT Women’s Health Specialist   Constipation is obviously uncomfortable, but did you know it can lead to health issues like fecal impaction, colon cancer, digestive problems, and pelvic floor issues. Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water, or when the colon’s muscle contraction is slow or sluggish delaying transit […]

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Prolonged Sitting Promotes Hip Stiffness

Workplaces in the United States (U.S.) now house a number of jobs that require computer work, driving, and telephone-based activities. Office workers may spend up to three-fourths of their workday sitting.  If you are sitting for hours on end without taking frequent breaks, like getting up and walking around, your hips will eventually start complaining […]

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Stay Flexible, Your Body Will Thank You!

By: Sarah Wilkins, PT, DPT; LSVT BIG Certified Operations Director, Kilmarnock Location   Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness and has many positive effects on the body. For instance, it improves mobility, posture, muscle coordination, reduces the risk of injuries and muscle soreness. It even leads to a better overall “shape”. A lack of flexibility […]

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Sit-to-Stand Progression: An Important Movement Function

by Kevin Flood, PT, DPT The sit to stand transfer is an important functional movement that enables a person to safely move from a seated position to a standing position. This transfer is important for the completion of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), and serves as a starting […]

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