
Long COVID Sounds Awful! What Can Be Done?

Recently we introduced you to Long COVID and all of the challenges it brings. This month we’re going to talk about what physical therapists can do to help people living with Long COVID. Early in the pandemic, therapists started seeing people with what would later be known as Long COVID. They noticed that some of the symptoms […]

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Who Can Benefit From Physical Therapy? Everyone!

Physical Therapy Is For Everyone! Physical therapists are highly trained health care professionals. They are experts in human movement who are trained to evaluate and treat all kinds of musculoskeletal issues with exercise and other techniques. Everyone moves and everyone can benefit from exercise, so physical therapists can help people through their entire lives! PHYSICAL […]

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PT For Your Pelvis?

Nobody is going to be surprised to hear that Physical Therapists work with muscles. But we bet a lot of people would be surprised to learn that the muscles inside your pelvis are included. While the pelvic muscles don’t get as much attention as the biceps or hamstrings, they can still cause problems that need […]

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Don’t Keep Injury Secrets!

You might be wondering who would keep an injury secret. The answer is – lots of people! The first thing that comes to your mind might be an athlete, like a football player, or maybe a baseball pitcher. But athletes aren’t the only ones that keep injury secrets. Performers like dancers keep injury secrets, and […]

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Carousel Raises Awareness on the Many Benefits of Physical Therapy in October

Every October we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month to raise awareness with consumers about the many benefits of physical therapy. It’s also a great opportunity to appreciate the outstanding impact Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists Assistants have on society and healthcare. People everywhere experience the transformative effects physical therapy can have on their daily lives, […]

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Falls Prevention is a Team Effort

It seems like common sense—everybody falls, no matter what age. However, for many older adults, an unexpected fall can result in a serious and costly injury. The good news is that most falls can be prevented. And one of the ways you can prevent a fall is by knowing who you can call on for […]

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What Medications Increase the Risk of Falling Among Older Adults?

Key Takeaways Potentially hazardous medications and medication combinations are known to be significant contributors to falls in older adults. Over-the-counter medications can cause harmful interactions that can increase falls risk and cause other health problems for older adults. A HomeMeds evidence-based medication review can help to mitigate the negative effects of medications as contributors to […]

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Recognizing Signs of a Concussion

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a direct blow to the head, face, or neck. In the United States, an estimated 300,000 sports-related concussions occur annually. In high school gender-comparable sports, girls have a higher concussion rate than boys. Female athletes have also been shown to have a greater recovery time in postconcussion […]

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What Physical Therapy Can Do For Arthritis

Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the joints. It can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. The hips, knees, hands, and spine are the most commonly affected joints. Arthritis is not a single disease but an umbrella term that includes a variety of different types. Some of the more common examples are osteoarthritis, […]

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