
Light Exercise, Not Bed Rest, Can Speed Concussion Recovery

Contrary to long-held wisdom, teen athletes recover from concussions sooner if they do light aerobic exercise rather than resting in a dark room, new research suggests. Instead of so-called “cocoon therapy,” new research-supported therapy has young concussion patients getting out of bed and doing protected exercise earlier. “What the research found was that adolescents were […]

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Six Ways the U.S. Military Has Shaped the Physical Therapy Profession

The physical therapy profession and U.S. armed forces have a long and collaborative relationship, one that includes a formal partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Following are a few accomplishments of our women and men in uniform. The military introduced the country to physical therapy.  Credit: U.S. Army Photograph. On April 16 1947, President Harry S. Truman, posing here […]

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For Some Patients, COVID Just Won’t End.

We know there is a lot of variation in how COVID affects people. Some feel like they have a bit of a cold, some feel like they have the flu, and some end up in the hospital. No matter the symptoms, we tend to think that people get sick, get better and recover, then move […]

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Concussion Q&A and How We Can Help!

Did you know? A concussion is a type of brain injury. Imaging, such as MRI and CT scans, are not able to diagnose a concussion. Most concussions (90%) are not associated with a loss of consciousness. What is a concussion? A concussion is a type of mild traumatic brain injury or mTBI. It occurs as […]

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Lymphedema. What is it? How can physical therapy help?

The lymphatic system collects lymph fluid (excess fluid, proteins, and other substances) from the body tissues and carries it back to the bloodstream. Lymph fluid moves slowly through lymphatic vessels and passes through lymph nodes as it returns to the bloodstream. Swelling occurs when the normal drainage of fluid is disrupted, and lymph fluid accumulates […]

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Five Reasons to Choose Physical Therapy Early for Pain

If you experience an injury or develop pain, seeing a physical therapist early can help you address and manage your symptoms. Physical therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement. A physical therapist can help you: Get better safely and without fear of causing further injury. […]

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Undergoing Surgery? Prehab Before You Rehab!

Evidenced-based research shows that as few as 1 to 2 sessions of pre-operative physical therapy can reduce post-operative care by 29% for patients undergoing a total hip or knee replacement; this could be a  $1,000 + per individual! The Facts Between 2012 and 2050 the number of Total Knee Replacements (TKAs) performed annually in the […]

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For Critically Ill Patients, Leaving The ICU is Just the Beginning

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on intensive care units and critically ill patients. Most of the focus has been on survival, which is the first goal. Someone heading into an intensive care unit is very ill, possibly being kept alive by a ventilator or some other piece of medical equipment. But surviving the […]

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Winterize to Prevent Falls

Winter weather can lead to devastating slips, trips, and falls. Below are five simple steps that YOU can take this winter to reduce falls. Raise awareness: Read and share our infographic—6 Steps to Prevent a Fall. Ask for a falls risk screening: When you visit your primary care provider, ask your doctor to conduct a screening for falls […]

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Vision Impairment and Older Adult Falls

More than 12 million Americans aged 40 years and older experience vision impairment, and with an aging American population this number is expected to double by 2050.1 Each year, one in four Americans 65 and older experiences a fall, the leading cause of injury among older adults2, and impaired vision more than doubles this risk.3 Falls often result […]

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